
The 84-acre Brown property was bequeathed to Standing Cedars by Mary "Molly" K. P. Brown. Molly and Bob Brown previously owned the Champion Aircraft Corporation, based at the Osceola Airport.

Parking Lot with Information Kiosk:
2474 65th Ave. Osceola, WI 54020


In 1938 aerial photos, nearly all the upland property was in agriculture.  In subsequent decades, gravel was quarried near the eastern boundary.  The Brown family added wetland by dredging to improve waterfowl habitat. In 2016, Standing Cedars worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to redesign and build a crossing over wetlands to allow better access to the east end of the property and the new structure better maintains the adjacent wetland for the benefit of waterfowl and the other wildlife that use it.

In 2023, a variety of bird loving shrubs and trees were planted here, such as Nannyberry and Red-Berried Elder.  The plants were purchased using money from a Tropical Wings grant.  Tropical Wings is a nonprofit that supports migratory bird education and habitat conservation.

Brown Photo Gallery

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