About Us

Who We Are

Protects and restores fields, forests and natural habitats along the Lower St. Croix River

Standing Cedars Community Land Conservancy is an all volunteer, nonprofit organization led by a diverse group of board members representing the St. Croix Valley.  Our foundation is deeply ingrained within the community, and dedicated to safeguarding land for both the residents and the natural environment of the Lower St. Croix River Valley. We have protected over 1700 acres, including some of the highest quality natural areas along the St. Croix River.  We provide free public access to over 1500 acres for hiking, birding, snowshoeing, xc skiing, and hunting by permit.

Standing Cedars was founded in 1994.  The immediate motivation for establishing Standing Cedars was to put in place a land trust to purchase an 1,116 acre tract, the Engelwood property, to establish a greenway along the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.  The purchase of Engelwood was completed in 1995. This was made possible through a State of Wisconsin Stewardship grant, foundation grants, and individual donors.

Standing Cedars uses various tools to protect land.  Some is purchased outright while other properties are protected through conservation easements.  Conservation easements allow landowners to maintain ownership of their land but permanently limits current and future development.

The incredible quality of the Lower St. Croix uplands and the urgent need to protect the land before it is lost to development have generated strong support from government programs, private foundations and individual donors. But to be truly effective, we must do more. You can help Standing Cedars by making a tax-deductible contribution. Come and take a hike on the properties and see for yourself their beauty. By doing so, we think you’ll recognize the value that protecting these lands offers us and our children.

Our Board Members

Dave Aichinger

Dick Burrows

Barb Delaney

Ed Dike

Ollie Dressel, Secretary

Dan Guenthner, Vice President

Terry Ingram

Jim Kroening

Cade Lefeber

Tim Lindquist

Amy Middleton

Tim O’Hare

Kevin Rogers, Treasurer

Ron Vorndran

Bob Wright, President

In Memoriam

We honor those who were instrumental in the creation and support of Standing Cedars, or who had a special connection to our lands.  

In these stories you will read about some special people who were critical to the formation of Standing Cedars Community Land Conservancy,  who supported our mission through the years, or who had a special connection to our land.

Help Support Standing Cedars